Transforming our worlds through #digital creativity [@HSNorwich news]

An evening of inspiration

As the song goes: Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please come along to the last Hot Source of 2015 on 10 December. Or something like that.

In other words, an evening inspired by local digital and technology creativity is on the cards (as are mince pies and wine).

The Hot Source in September shone a light on Smart Cities and how Norwich should prepare for the future. For the next event, we’re bringing this and the broader theme of transforming how we live to life with an evening of inspiration.

We’ll hear (and see) what local companies and entrepreneurs are doing with digital technology to improve our homes, our cities, and our lives. There’ll be fish, dogs, lampposts, buildings, and a product we can’t even talk about yet. What could possibly go wrong…

Norwich Innovation Forum

So please mark the date in your diary (Thursday 10 December, 5:45pm) and come and join us to ensure 2015 goes out with a bang.

Date:             Thursday 10 December 2022

Time:             5:45–8.00pm (drinks and mince pies afterwards until 9:00pm)

Venue:           Norwich University of the Arts lecture theatre, Duke St, Norwich NR3 3AH

New members, friends and +1s welcome.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP at today.

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